Warning: Pre-Alpha

This game is currently in pre-alpha, and at this time, I do not recommend running a game in it yet. Every single game mechanic and piece of lore is subject to potentially breaking changes.

Thank you for your interest in this game! You can follow its development at https://www.youtube.com/@trekiros


VI - Perks

Perks are abilities which broadly describe the way your character fights.

Generic Features

The following features do not fit in any existing Perk Tree, but might help you express your character's unique identity:

Tier 1

Attribute Training

The attribute of your choice increases by 1, to a maximum of 5. You can unlock this feature multiple times.

Flaw: Feeble

Your Vigor is reduced by 1, and you have disadvantage on attacks with two-handed weapons, but instead of costing you a perk point, this flaw makes you gain one perk point. You can only have up to one flaw perk.

Flaw: Sluggish

Your Speed is reduced by 1, and can't jump when you move, but instead of costing you a perk point, this flaw makes you gain one perk point. You can only have up to one flaw perk.

Flaw: Ignorant

Your Technique is reduced by 1, and you can only focus on one thing at a time, but instead of costing you a perk point, this flaw makes you gain one perk point. You can only have up to one flaw perk.

Flaw: Stinky

Your Presence is reduced by 1, and allies have disadvantage on rolls while within 1m of you, but instead of costing you a perk point, this flaw makes you gain 1 perk point. You can only have up to one flaw perk.

Flaw: Jinx

Your luck is reduced by 1, and whenever you roll a 12 on the d12 of an attribute roll, you have to push your luck, but instead of costing you a perk point, this flaw makes you gain 1 perk point. You can only have up to one flaw perk.


It's all about quality, not quantity, for you. You don't pull the trigger often, but whenever you do, someone drops dead.

Tier 1


Whenever you attack a creature which has all of its hit points, you deal an additional 1d4! damage.

Marksman's Reflexes

Once per turn, when you do a called shot, you can make the technique roll before choosing which limb or part of the target you're aiming.

Tier 2

Prerequisites: at least one tier 1 Sniper ability

When a creature you were Aiming at is reduced to 0 hit points, you can Aim at a new creature as a reaction, without spending any AP.

Punch Through

When you deal a critical hit with a ranged attack which does not have the Area of Effect property, you can make an extra attack against a creature which is behind the original target, and still within range of your weapon, without spending any AP or ammunition. You and the two targets must make a line.

Tier 3

Prerequisites: at least one tier 2 Sniper ability, and level 3

When you fail a Called Shot against a creature you are aiming at, the target takes half damage instead of none.

Tier 4

Prerequisites: at least one tier 3 Sniper ability, and level 5
Death Itself


Tier 5

Prerequisites: at least one tier 4 Sniper ability, and level 7
Gaze of Ruin

Your Technique increases by 1, to a maximum of 10. You can take this perk multiple times.


Quantity IS quality! If you make the bullets rain, one of them is bound to hit its mark! You're a real wild card on the battlefield - wherever you go, carnage ensues. Even raiders think you're kind of too much to handle.

Tier 1


At the start of your turn, you can choose to act recklessly. If you do, until the start of your next turn, your attacks have advantage, and attacks against you have advantage.

Flick Shot

It's easier to aim when there's nothing in the way. Whenever you make a ranged attack, if you don't have cover from the target, and it doesn't have cover from you, the attack costs you 1 less AP, down to a minimum of 3.

Tier 2

Prerequisites: at least one tier 1 Ravager ability

On your first turn of combat, you can make one attack without spending any AP, but this attack can't target a creature with a higher initiative than yours.

Chaos Incarnate

The first time on your turn that you land a critical hit, you can choose a creature you can see. The creature must succeed on a medium (DC 10) Vigor or Presence check, or it is frightened of you until the start of your next turn.

Tier 3

Prerequisites: at least one tier 2 Ravager ability, and level 3


Tier 4

Prerequisites: at least one tier 3 Ravager ability, and level 5
Make it Rain

At the end of your turn, if you have not taken any action except the Attack action, you can make one additional attack without spending any AP.

Tier 5

Prerequisites: at least one tier 4 Ravager ability, and level 7
Kill Streak

Whenever you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, you regain up to 5 AP.


Bullets are expensive. You'd rather punch someone in the face. With a baseball bat, if necessary.

Tier 1


Once per turn, when you make a melee attack, you can try to shove, or grapple the target without spending any AP.


Whenever you reduce a creature to 0 hit point with a melee attack which does not have the area of effect property, you can choose another creature within 1m of you and deal any remaining damage from your attack to the second creature, without spending any additional AP.

Tier 2

Prerequisites: at least one tier 1 Brawler ability

When you attack immediately after sprinting, you have advantage on the attack.


Any ranged attack made against you by a creature other than the one you are grappling, is also applied to the creature you are grappling.

Tier 3

Prerequisites: at least one tier 2 Brawler ability, and level 3


Tier 4

Prerequisites: at least one tier 3 Brawler ability, and level 5


Tier 5

Prerequisites: at least one tier 4 Brawler ability, and level 7
Iron Grip

Your Vigor increases by 1, to a maximum of 10. You can unlock this feature multiple times.


Sometimes, the best way to survive in the wasteland is simply to run faster than whatever is trying to eat you. Often found as couriers or scouts, traceurs jump from building to building, running so blindingly fast that they often finish their missions before their enemies even know they were there.

Tier 1


Before and/or after making a melee attack, you can move up to 2 meters without spending any AP.


Climbing does not cost you extra AP, and you have advantage on the technique roll you make when you fall on another creature.

Tier 2

Prerequisites: at least one tier 1 Traceur ability
Terminal Velocity

When you sprint, you can make one melee attack, spending AP as usual. If you do, the attack gains the area of effect (each creature within reach during your sprint) property.

Moving Target

If you have moved at least 10 meters during your turn, you can take the sidestep action once before the start of your next turn, without spending any AP.

Tier 3

Prerequisites: at least one tier 2 Traceur ability, and level 3
Hard to Catch

Whenever you use the sidestep reaction, you can also move up to 3m.

Tier 4

Prerequisites: at least one tier 3 Traceur ability, and level 5


Tier 5

Prerequisites: at least one tier 4 Traceur ability, and level 7

Your Speed increases by 1, to a maximum of 10. You can unlock this feature multiple times.


The best way to survive a battle against people with machine guns, as far as you're concerned, is to end that battle before anybody realizes it has started. You sneak your way into their fortress, sticking to the darkest corners, listen to conversations to gather intel, deliver death to the enemy commander, and slip out into the night before anybody even knows you were even there.

Tier 1

Sneak Attack (Reaction - X AP)

Trigger: An ally attacks an enemy you could attack with your equipped weapons. You can't take this reaction if an ally has also taken it in response to the same trigger.

Effect: Make one attack against that enemy. You can only use this reaction once per turn.

Close Quarter Takedown

You can use speed instead of vigor to grapple (for the roll, and for the attribute threshold). Additionally, you have advantage on rolls made to grapple while hidden.

Tier 2

Prerequisites: at least one tier 1 Shadow ability

You have advantage on attacks against enemies who are within 1m of one of your allies.

Patient Skulker

At the end of your turn, if you haven't attacked this turn, you gain advantage on your next attack.


The stars must have aligned on the day you were born, or something, because everything seems to go your way. And it isn't because you are a born leader or a talented warrior. You have the worst poker face in the world, but when you draw a royal flush every five minutes, it's hard to lose.

Tier 1

Innate "Talent"

When you make an attribute roll, you can use your Luck instead of whatever attribute the roll was supposed to use.

Once you use this feature, you cannot use it again until you critically fail or fumble on a roll (if you critically fail on the roll where you used Luck, you can use this ability again immediately).


Whenever you roll a critical success on an attack, the attack deals an extra 1 damage (on top of the extra damage of being a critical success).

Tier 2

Prerequisites: at least one tier 1 Gambler ability
Ace in the Sleeve

When you make the last attack with a weapon before having to reload or chamber it, make a medium (DC 10) Luck roll. On a success, oh! Somehow, there is still just enough ammo left in there for one more attack. You must have miscounted it.

Double or Nothing

Once per turn, when you roll a critical success, you can roll a medium (DC 10) Luck check. On a success, you somehow find 1d6💰 laying on the floor and pick it up. On a failure, the result on the die becomes a 1 instead, and if it was on an attribute roll, you cannot push your luck.

Tier 3

Prerequisites: at least one tier 2 Gambler ability, and level 3
Never tell me the Odds

Whenever you make an attribute roll, you can replace the d12 with a d4.

Luck of the Draw

When your Plot Twister rolls for loot at the end of a combat encounter, pick one item you got from the creature and make a hard (DC 12) Luck roll. On a critical success, you get a second identical item.

Tier 4

Prerequisites: at least one tier 3 Gambler ability, and level 5


Tier 5

Prerequisites: at least one tier 4 Gambler ability, and level 7

Once per turn, when you miss with a ranged attack, you can re-roll the attack against a different target within range.


You have received wounds which would have been fatal to just about anybody else, but nothing seems to be able to keep you down. Whatever the obstacles in your way, you always seem to make it out alive, through sheer grit.

Tier 1


Your max hit points are increased by 2. You can acquire this perk multiple times.

Elephant in the Room

You're hard to ignore. Whenever you attack a creature, that creature has disadvantage on attack rolls against creatures other than you until the start of your next turn.

Tier 2

Prerequisites: at least one tier 1 Juggernaut ability
Immovable Object

You can benefit from 2 suits of armor at the same time.


You can interpose without spending AP once, and regain this ability at the start of each of your turns.

Tier 3

Prerequisites: at least one tier 2 Juggernaut ability, and level 3


Tier 4

Prerequisites: at least one tier 3 Juggernaut ability, and level 5


Tier 5

Prerequisites: at least one tier 4 Juggernaut ability, and level 7



In a world where factories have long been destroyed or abandoned, smart survivors have learned to make do with whatever they have on hand.

Tier 1


Choose two object types from the following list. You can now craft Tech 2 items of the chosen category. You can unlock this feature multiple times.

Custom Rig

You can install a second mod per weapon and armor.

Tier 2

Prerequisites: at least one tier 1 Tinkerer ability
Fast Worker

You can take the Use an Object action to craft or dismantle a Tech 1 object, or add or remove a mod from a weapon.


When you scrap an object, you retrieve all of its components, instead of half.

Tier 3

Prerequisites: at least one tier 2 Tinkerer ability, and level 3

Choose one type of items for which you can craft Tech 2 items. You can now craft Tech 3 items of that type.


Choose one weapon. This weapon can receive any number of mods. You can choose a different weapon at the end of the long rest, but if you do, the extra mods on your previously chosen weapon are removed.

The Face

As the bullets start flying, instead of pulling out a piece of iron, you rearrange your tie, and wet your eyebrows. You know turns of phrase deadlier than any weapon, and see the see the wasteland as a place full of potential new friends.

Tier 1


When you use the Assist action, you can make a medium (DC 10) Presence roll. If you succeed, the ally has advantage on the first attack or attribute roll they make on their next turn.

Razzle Dazzle

Once per turn, when you attack a creature, you can attempt to distract it without spending AP.

Tier 2

Prerequisites: at least one tier 1 The Face ability

Allies don't need to meet the attribute threshold or spend AP to interpose an attack made against you.

Born Leader

You can take the assist action one additional time per turn.

Tier 3

Prerequisites: at least one tier 2 The Face ability, and level 3


Tier 4

Prerequisites: at least one tier 3 The Face ability, and level 5


Tier 5

Prerequisites: at least one tier 4 The Face ability, and level 7



People say beauty is on the inside. Having looked, extensively, you can positively say they are wrong. But at least, in a world filled with radiations, monsters and bandits, you aren't lacking for customers.

Tier 1

Shock Therapy

You can craft Stims. Additionally, when you use a stim, on yourself or another creature, you increase the next damage or attribute roll made by the creature by the number of hit points regained.

Medical Know-How

You can craft Stims. Additionally, when you use a stim, on yourself or another creature within 1m of you, you can make a Medium (DC 10) Technique roll. On a success, the target does not suffer 1 wound.

Tier 2

Prerequisites: at least one tier 1 Doc' ability
Urgent Care

As a use an item action, you can make a Medium (DC 10) Technique roll to throw a stim at a willing ally you can see within 20m of you. If you succeed, the stim is used on the ally on impact. If you fail, the stim falls on the ground somewhere behind the ally (it isn't destroyed, but you can't use it again until you pick it up from the ground)

Bedside Manners

When you finish a long rest, you can tend to your allies so each ally who took the rest with you can heal up to 1 wound. You can unlock this feature multiple times, and for each time you do, they heal 1 additional wound.

Tier 3

Prerequisites: at least one tier 2 Doc' ability, and level 3
Hypocritical Oath

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. You have advantage on attack rolls against hostile creatures if they are within 1 meter of an ally who has less than half their maximum hit points.

Miracle Worker

If a creature has been dead for 1 minute or less, you can Improvise to roll a hard (DC 12) Medicine check. On a success, the creature is brought back to life with 1 hit point, and you heal 1 of its wounds. On a failure, you cannot use this feature on the same creature.

Tier 4

Prerequisites: at least one tier 3 Doc' ability, and level 5
Anatomic Knowledge

You have advantage on called shots against humans.



Tier 5

Prerequisites: at least one tier 4 Doc' ability, and level 7



There is no problem that cannot be solved by throwing robots at it. If a problem persists, it's that you haven't thrown enough robots at it, or that you've thrown the wrong robots at it. Either way, the solution is clearly to throw more robots at it.

Tier 1


You have recycled or hacked a robot, which you now control remotely. Your bot uses the companion bot stat block. During combat, the bot acts during your turn, and obeys you.

If it is destroyed, you can replace it when you finish a complete rest. The bot can suffer wounds like a player character, and you must spend electronics📻 for it to benefit from the effects of a rest.

Tier 2

Prerequisites: at least one tier 1 Techie ability

Choose two of the cybernetic enhancements below. Your bot gains the associated benefit. You can unlock this feature multiple times.

  • RFID Chip. You can hack targets which are within range of your bot.
  • Integrated Armor. The bot can wear a suit of armor. The armor can be swapped over the course of a short rest.
  • Weapon holder. The bot can use a weapon. The weapon can be swapped over the course of a short rest.
  • Hidden compartment. The robot can hide the items it is carrying. A creature can determine the robot is hiding items with a contested Technique roll against you.
  • Press Kit. The robot can stream video & audio feed of what it sees and hears to your smartphone over radio, or record it.
  • Excavator. The robot can spend an action to dig 1 meter through solid ground.
  • Thrusters. The robot can fly.
  • Medical Subroutine. The bot can spend an action to heal a non-robot creature within 1m of it which has 0 hit points. The creature regains 1 hit point. The same creature cannot be healed again in this way until it finishes a short rest.
  • Precision Actuators. You can make attribute rolls from the bot's location instead of your own.'
Reroute Power

You gain a new action:

Reroute Power (5 AP): You give power to different subsystems of your bot. Until the end of your turn, the bot benefits from one of the following effects of your choice:

  • Engines. Your bot gains one additional action.
  • Weapons. Your bot gains advantage on its next attack.
  • Sensors. Your bot gains advantage on its next attribute roll.

Tier 3

Prerequisites: at least one tier 2 Techie ability, and level 3
Combat Hacker

You can use Tier 2 hacks against robots (not devices!). And when attempt a hack, you can choose to deal 1d8! ⚡ electricity damage to the target.

Patch it up

You can replace your bot over the course of a long rest, instead of a complete rest.

Tier 4

Prerequisites: at least one tier 3 Techie ability, and level 5
Advanced Combat Hacker

You can use Tier 3 hacks against robots (not devices!). And when you hack a target, you can select a number of targets up to your technique which use the same stat block, and perform the same hack on them. You make a single Technique roll, and if it is successful, every target suffers the associated effect.

Mech Suit

Your bot becomes 2m large and its hit points increase by 5. Additionally, your bot now has a cockpit, which one humanoid might enter if you let them. While inside the cockpit, and until your bot is destroyed, the creature cannot be affected by anything outside of the bot.

Companion Bot

A personal assistant robot, used by techies. As its creator, you decide what the bot looks like.

Companion Bot VTT token

Companion Bot(Robot, level 0)


The Bot is immune to being Frightened and to poison damage. However, while in sunlight or fully submerged in water, the Bot is incapacitated.

The Bot acts during its creator's turn in combat, and acts according to its creator's will. It can take any action a player character could take, or spend an action to move up to its movement speed.


1d4!+2 🔨, melee.

Interaction Options


The Bot can't receive new orders, and continues following the last orders it had received. The Bot's creator can spend 5 AP while within 1m of the bot to end this effect.