Warning: Pre-Alpha

This game is currently in pre-alpha, and at this time, I do not recommend running a game in it yet. Every single game mechanic and piece of lore is subject to potentially breaking changes.

Thank you for your interest in this game! You can follow its development at https://www.youtube.com/@trekiros



Weapons are defined by 5 aspects:

  • Damage. This is the damage you deal if the attack hits. It is a formula which tells you which dice to roll, such as "1d6 + V" meaning "roll a six-sided die and add your Vigor".
  • Damage Type. What kind of damage the weapon deals. If two or more are listed, you can choose which one to use.
  • Action Point Cost. This is how many action points you must spend to attack with this weapon.
  • Weapon Properties. These are mechanics shared among many different types of weapons, detailed below.
  • Special Effects. These are mechanics which are unique to each weapon type.

Weapon variants. Certain types of weapons have variants with the exact same mechanics, but simply a different damage type. They sometimes have a different crafting recipe and tech level, noted in parentheses.

Improvised weapons. When you use a weapon other than those listed below, or you use an object as though it was a weapon, you must use the mechanics of the weapon which resembles it most, as determined by the Plot Twister.

Weapon Properties

Below are weapon properties shared among most weapons:


You can attack a creature with this weapon if it is within 1 meter of you. On a hit, you roll and add your Vigor to the damage roll (already included in the damage formula).


Thrown (X) means you can attack a creature as long as it is within X meters of you.


You can attack a creature as long as it is within your line of sight. If the weapon says "Ranged (X)", then attacks against a creature further than X meters away from you have disadvantage, and you have disadvantage on called shots you make as part of the attack.


Attacking with this weapon while hidden does not reveal your location.

Area of Effect

When you make an attack, the damage applies to each creature within the specified area.

If you have different levels of advantage against different creatures within the area, make one damage roll for each level of advantage you need. For example, if you have advantage against one target and double disadvantage against a second target, you make one damage roll with advantage and a second one with double disadvantage.

Rare Ammo

You must track the usage of ammunition for this weapon, because they are rare and expensive. If a weapon does not have this property, it is assumed you always have enough ammunition to use it.


After making X attacks, you must reload the weapon before it can attack again. Reloading the weapon costs 5 AP.


for automatic weapons, one attack might represent an entire salvo, rather than a single shot.


The weapon has a capacity of X shots, and you must spend 1 shot to attack. You can spend 2 AP to chamber one shot back into the weapon.


Using this weapon requires the use of two hands, which means you cannot take the Use an Object action on a turn where you choose to wield this weapon. Additionally, this weapon cannot be hidden on your person.

Weapons List


Brass Knuckles

Does not require a free hand

Jackhammer Gauntlet

Bludgeoning Melee

Stun Baton

On a critical hit, the target is Stunned until the end of its next turn.

Baseball Bat

On hit, you can push the target 1m away from you. On a critical hit, you can instead push it 5m.


You can hammer the ground at your feet to create a shockwave. If you do, the attack gains the Area of Effect (creatures other than you within 1m) property, but its damage is reduced to 1d6! + V.

Finesse Melee

Combat Knife


When you attack with this weapon, you can choose to do piercing damage instead.

Other Melee


After your first attack, further attacks this turn against the same target only cost 3 AP.


When you attack with this weapon, you can spent 5๐Ÿงช to deal an additional 1d6! ๐Ÿ”ฅ.


Makeshift Pistol

This is weapon made of whatever you could find in the wasteland. You can install up to three mods on it, instead of just one.




Hunting Bow

When you "chamber" an arrow into this bow, you can choose one special arrow type from the list below:

  • Barbed head: on crit, the target starts bleeding, unless it's a robot. At the start of your next turn, it takes 1d10! damage.
  • Rope Arrow: on crit, the target is restrained. The rope has 5 hit points and can be attacked.
  • Explosive Arrow: the attack gains the area of effect (2m square) property.


Machine Gun

You can choose to target an Area of Effect (3 meters square within 50m). If you do, the damage dice is reduced to 1d6!.

Laser Rifle

When you attack with this weapon, if the first damage die critically succeeds, roll a second extra d8!, but then the weapon overheats and must be reloaded before it can be fired again.

Sniper Rifle

If you attack a creature you are aiming at, and the creature is at least 10 meters away from you, you gain an additional advantage on attacks against it.


Against most creatures except robots, a called shot targeting the creature's head will grant an extra critical success - since the sniper rifle's damage is 1d12, that means adding a whopping 12 damage to the attack if you're using a sniper rifle!

Coil Rifle

You can spend 4 AP to focus on charging up this rifle's capacitors, up to 3 times. For each charge, the next attack you make with this weapon before the end of your next turn deals an additional 1d6! damage (up to a maximum of 4d6). If you lose focus before firing, the charges are lost.

Heavy Weapon

Rocket Launcher

Grenade Launcher

Extends the range of the grenades used to 50m.

Flame Thrower


Frag Grenade

You can choose for the grenade to explode at the start of your next turn instead.

Molotov Cocktail

On crit, the target starts burning: while burning, it loses 1 hit point at the start of each of its turns. It or an ally within 1m of it can spend 10 AP (2 actions) to end the effect.

Additionally, the area starts burning for 1 minute. Each time a creature enters the area or ends its turn in the burning area, repeat the attack against it.

Smoke Grenade

Creates heavy fog in the area for 1 minute (heavy fog prevents vision past a 1 meter radius around you).


You place the mine in a space up to 2m away from you. When a creature moves within 1m of the mine, it explodes, dealing damage to the triggering creature. This damage does not ignore armor.