What is Flare Fall?

Twenty years ago, a solar flare caused the collapse of human civilization. It's up to you to rebuild - but to impose your vision of the future on this lawless wasteland, it will take a good crew. Some grit. Some cunning. And a healthy dose of "creative" problem solving (=explosions. So. Many. Explosions.)

Flare Fall is a Sci-Fi, Post-Apocalyptic, Tabletop Role-Playing Game, made by Trekiros. Let's break down what that means!

Dice Set


These are games about exploring and discovering a strange world, overcoming challenges together as a team, telling a compelling story, exploring and expressing yourself through a fictional character's actions, and most of all, rolling a bunch of dice, and spending time with friends.

Each player creates and then controls one character, except for the Plot Twister, who presents the other players with plot hooks, obstacles, moral dilemmas, and non-player characters. The game generally follows a simple, three step structure:

  • Description. The Plot Twister describes a scene or situation.
  • Improvisation. Players can then describe or act out how their character does in response to the situation, what their character says, how their character reacts.
  • Adjudication. The Plot Twister narrates the outcome of the players' decisions in the scene. If the outcome is uncertain, they might ask for the player to roll some dice, and the result helps the Plot Twister decide on what outcome to narrate.

Usually, players are free to speak up and take actions whenever they like. However, to help the Plot Twister accurately adjudicate a hostile, dangerous, or otherwise messy situation, the game sometimes switches to a turn-based structure instead.

Example of Play

Plot Twister: "As the day advances, clouds grow darker. These are the early signs of an acid rain, and you aren't sure you can make it home before it starts to pour. What do you do?"

Player: "I know the area pretty well... Do I know if there's shelter nearby?"

Plot Twister: "Uh, maybe. Give me a Luck Roll."

Player: "11!"

Plot Twister: "Ooh, very good. There's a small settlement nearby, they sometimes visit you to trade food. Do you head there?"

A poster of a rocket during liftoff


You will need:

  • 3 to 6 friends (and one of you need to think being the Plot Twister is fun!)
  • A set of dice for each player: a d2 (you can use a coin or a poker chip), d4, d6, d8, d10, and d12.
  • Optional (but not really): snacks.

Start by learning about this game's world by checking out the 1-page Setting Primer, or, if you want to dive more in depth, the complete World Codex from the Plot Twister's Guide! You will find plenty of concepts, factions, technologies and history to give you ideas of characters to play, or adventures to run.

Then, check out the game's Rules! The basic rules should only take a couple minutes to learn - everything else in this page is just plenty of fun options for the players to customize their characters.

Finally, try to create a Character! The fully-integrated character sheet will guide you through the process, and show you whenever there is a choice for you to make.

Trekiros' pngtuber model


Hi! I am Valentin "Trekiros" Prévost (he/him), software engineer, game designer, and generally nerdy person from France.

I got into playing and running tabletop RPGs in 2018, immediately started making terrible homebrew... and I guess I just kind of never stopped? The only difference is I got slightly better at it, thanks to the patience and assistance of much smarter people than I (you know who you are!)

I've published Home-Field Advantage, a Compendium of Lair Actions on DMsGuild, an Adamantine Best-Seller, and Silver ENnie Award winner for Best Monster Book of 2022, and I also run a Youtube channel where I talk about how to use game design to run smoother TTRPG games.

This website is designed to help you and your players run Flare Fall, the game I have designed. This game started when one of the players in my home game asked if we could play a post-apo campaign next. Since my players live on the other side of my country, I had to create a new system along with a state-of-the-art companion app. It was the only way. You understand, right?


If you want to help turn this game into reality, you can Become a Youtube Member!


Project Lead: Valentin "Trekiros" Prévost

Art Direction: Jean Curci

Interior Art: Kevin Hlaing

Stock Art: Publisher's Choice Quality Stock Art © Rick Hershey / Fat Goblin Games, iStockPhoto.com (Alevtina Zainutdinova, VikiVektor, Mangata, Tetiana Lazunova, rms164, Matryoshka, Camille Kuo, crwpitman, liuzishan, Malchev, Grandfailure, ser_igor, etraveler, Dan Comaniciu, St_Aurora72, SergeyBitos d1sk, KIT8, koya79, robuart, SpicyTruffel, vectorwin, Bienchen-s, BrownAlex, Culombio Art, FlyingTreasure, Golden Sikorka, DmitryMo, niju77, Likozor, Deztinie), Dean Spencer, JEShields



Licensing Information. Currently a work in progress, all rights reserved. This will eventually move to a more open license, but not yet.