Warning: Pre-Alpha

This game is currently in pre-alpha, and at this time, I do not recommend running a game in it yet. Every single game mechanic and piece of lore is subject to potentially breaking changes.

Thank you for your interest in this game! You can follow its development at https://www.youtube.com/@trekiros


Action Points

Action Points are used to take various actions during combat. You have a maximum number of Action Points equal to 10 + your Speed, and regain them at the end of your turn.

Bonus AP. Certain things, such as the assist action for example, can give you bonus AP to spend on your next turn. You can never have more than 5 bonus AP. Bonus AP are spent before regular AP when you take actions, and they are lost at the end of your next turn if you don't spend them.

Unspent AP. At the end of your turn, if you have unspent AP, you gain that amount of bonus AP for your next turn (up to a maximum of 5 as usual).