Warning: Pre-Alpha

This game is currently in pre-alpha, and at this time, I do not recommend running a game in it yet. Every single game mechanic and piece of lore is subject to potentially breaking changes.

Thank you for your interest in this game! You can follow its development at https://www.youtube.com/@trekiros



There is no problem that cannot be solved by throwing robots at it. If a problem persists, it's that you haven't thrown enough robots at it, or that you've thrown the wrong robots at it. Either way, the solution is clearly to throw more robots at it.

Tier 1


You have recycled or hacked a robot, which you now control remotely. Your bot uses the companion bot stat block. During combat, the bot acts during your turn, and obeys you.

If it is destroyed, you can replace it when you finish a complete rest. The bot can suffer wounds like a player character, and you must spend electronics📻 for it to benefit from the effects of a rest.

Tier 2

Prerequisites: at least one tier 1 Techie ability

Choose two of the cybernetic enhancements below. Your bot gains the associated benefit. You can unlock this feature multiple times.

  • RFID Chip. You can hack targets which are within range of your bot.
  • Integrated Armor. The bot can wear a suit of armor. The armor can be swapped over the course of a short rest.
  • Weapon holder. The bot can use a weapon. The weapon can be swapped over the course of a short rest.
  • Hidden compartment. The robot can hide the items it is carrying. A creature can determine the robot is hiding items with a contested Technique roll against you.
  • Press Kit. The robot can stream video & audio feed of what it sees and hears to your smartphone over radio, or record it.
  • Excavator. The robot can spend an action to dig 1 meter through solid ground.
  • Thrusters. The robot can fly.
  • Medical Subroutine. The bot can spend an action to heal a non-robot creature within 1m of it which has 0 hit points. The creature regains 1 hit point. The same creature cannot be healed again in this way until it finishes a short rest.
  • Precision Actuators. You can make attribute rolls from the bot's location instead of your own.'
Reroute Power

You gain a new action:

Reroute Power (5 AP): You give power to different subsystems of your bot. Until the end of your turn, the bot benefits from one of the following effects of your choice:

  • Engines. Your bot gains one additional action.
  • Weapons. Your bot gains advantage on its next attack.
  • Sensors. Your bot gains advantage on its next attribute roll.

Tier 3

Prerequisites: at least one tier 2 Techie ability, and level 3
Combat Hacker

You can use Tier 2 hacks against robots (not devices!). And when attempt a hack, you can choose to deal 1d8! ⚡ electricity damage to the target.

Patch it up

You can replace your bot over the course of a long rest, instead of a complete rest.

Tier 4

Prerequisites: at least one tier 3 Techie ability, and level 5
Advanced Combat Hacker

You can use Tier 3 hacks against robots (not devices!). And when you hack a target, you can select a number of targets up to your technique which use the same stat block, and perform the same hack on them. You make a single Technique roll, and if it is successful, every target suffers the associated effect.

Mech Suit

Your bot becomes 2m large and its hit points increase by 5. Additionally, your bot now has a cockpit, which one humanoid might enter if you let them. While inside the cockpit, and until your bot is destroyed, the creature cannot be affected by anything outside of the bot.