Warning: Pre-Alpha

This game is currently in pre-alpha, and at this time, I do not recommend running a game in it yet. Every single game mechanic and piece of lore is subject to potentially breaking changes.

Thank you for your interest in this game! You can follow its development at https://www.youtube.com/@trekiros


V - Skills

Skills are abilities which usually describe things your character is good at outside of combat.

Various Skills


Tier 1


Whenever you take a rest, you can make an easy (DC 8) Presence roll. On a success, one ally of your choice who took the rest with you gains inspiration.



Tier 1


1/short rest: When you fail a roll to convince someone to do something for you, before you decide whether or not to push your luck, you can re-roll it.

Tier 2

Prerequisites: at least one tier 1 Trader ability

You always get one additional favor when buying and selling items.

Past Connections

As an improvise action, you can invent an NPC that you know personally who lives near your current location. Your Plot Twister decides, with your help, of the nature and details of this relationship (you can find ideas in the bonds table). You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Presence per complete rest.

Keyboard Warrior


Tier 1


1/short rest: When you fail a roll to hack a device, before you decide whether or not to push your luck, you can re-roll it.

Crawler Protocol

You can hack a target within range of a target you have successfully hacked since the start of your last turn.

Tier 2

Prerequisites: at least one tier 1 Keyboard Warrior ability
Local Network Access

The range of your hacks is extended from 1m to 10m.

Expert Hacker

You can use Tier 2 hacks against devices (not robots!)

Tier 3

Prerequisites: at least one tier 2 Keyboard Warrior ability, and level 3
Radiation Shielding

Electronic devices in your inventory still work while under sunlight.

Master Hacker

You can use Tier 3 hacks against devices (not robots!)

The Muscle


Tier 1

Imposing Figure

1/short rest: When you fail a roll to intimidate others, before you decide whether or not to push your luck, you can re-roll it.

Unstoppable Force

1/short rest: When you fail a roll to push or lift heavy objects, before you decide whether or not to push your luck, you can re-roll it.

Tier 2

Prerequisites: at least one tier 1 The Muscle ability
1000 Scars

You regain an extra 2 hit points when you take a short rest, and heal an extra 1 wound when you take a long rest.

Urban Adventurer


Tier 1

Stunts Person

1/short rest: When you fail a roll to jump or climb, before you decide whether or not to push your luck, you can re-roll it.

Wild Child

1/short rest: When you fail a roll to interact peacefully with animals or phytozoids, track them, or recall knowledge about them, before you decide whether or not to push your luck, you can re-roll it.

Tier 2

Prerequisites: at least one tier 1 Urban Adventurer ability

Whenever you take a rest, make a Medium (DC 10) Luck roll. On a success, you find 2d6! chips, or that amount of a crafting ingredient of your choice.


Whenever you roll loot from animals or a phytozoids, you can roll twice and choose which result to get.



Tier 1


1/short rest: When you fail a roll to discern lies and hidden motives, before you decide whether or not to push your luck, you can re-roll it.

Tier 2

Prerequisites: at least one tier 1 Detective ability

You can take the analyze action even if you can't see the target, but can see clear traces of its existence such as tracks on the ground, or the corpse of one of its victims. But to use it, you must make a medium (DC 10) Technique check.

Grease Monkey


Tier 1

Elbow Grease

1/short rest: When you fail a roll to repair, or manipulate any object that is mechanical or robotic, such as automatic doors, a vehicle, or a conveyor belt, before you decide whether or not to push your luck, you can re-roll it.

Ace Pilot

1/short rest: When you fail a roll to drive vehicles or recall information about them, before you decide whether or not to push your luck, you can re-roll it.

Tier 2

Prerequisites: at least one tier 1 Grease Monkey ability

As an improvise action: turns out you had prepared for this exact situation that you find yourself in right now. Last time you were in camp, you apparently bought or crafted one item of tech level 3 or lower, which is now in your inventory.

If you bought it, you must pay the corresponding number of chips (you had no favors for this transaction). If you crafted it, you must have the ability to craft that item, and spend the corresponding crafting ingredients. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Technique, and regain this ability when you finish a complete rest

Petty Criminal


Tier 1


1/short rest: When you fail a roll to lie or hide your intentions from others, before you decide whether or not to push your luck, you can re-roll it.


1/short rest: When you fail a roll to pick or break locks open, before you decide whether or not to push your luck, you can re-roll it.

Tier 2

Prerequisites: at least one tier 1 Petty Criminal ability

1/short rest: When you fail a roll to steal items without being noticed, before you decide whether or not to push your luck, you can re-roll it.

False Identity

1/short rest: When you fail a roll to pass yourself as someone else or disguise yourself as a member of another faction, before you decide whether or not to push your luck, you can re-roll it.