Warning: Pre-Alpha

This game is currently in pre-alpha, and at this time, I do not recommend running a game in it yet. Every single game mechanic and piece of lore is subject to potentially breaking changes.

Thank you for your interest in this game! You can follow its development at https://www.youtube.com/@trekiros


Common Actions

Any character can use these actions.

Move (1 AP)

You walk 1 meter. Being focused, crawling, climbing & difficult terrain cost an extra 1 AP (this penalty can stack).

As part of your movement, you can jump up to 2m horizontally, and move past small obstacles, spending AP as if you were moving normally on the ground. But if you attempt to jump further or get past a larger obstacle, the Plot Twister can ask you to make a speed roll as part of your movement.

Attack (X AP)

Loud: reveals you if used while hidden

You attack with one of the weapons you are currently holding. The amount Action Points you need to spend depends on the type of weapon used. You deal damage to the armor of a target of your choice, by rolling the weapon's damage.

If the target's armor is reduced to 0, causing it to lose 1 hit point (as per the rules for armor): this is called a hit.

Whenever you roll the maximum value of one of the damage dice, roll it again and add the result to the damage dealt - this called a crit. If the attack hits AND crits, this is called a critical hit.


Let's say you attack with a shotgun (5 AP, 2d4! damage) against a target with an armor of 10.

First Attack:

You pushed it off-balance!

Second Attack: (has a crit!)

Your attack went through!

At this point, let's say you still have 5 AP left. Do you attack again, or do something else?

Sometimes, an enemy will have an armor so tough that you won't be able to reliably pierce it by yourself - so make sure to help your allies and rely on them! In the wasteland, teamwork is often the only way to make it through the day.

Improvise (3 AP)

Make an attribute roll of your choice. The outcome could be, for example, to give an ally advantage on their next roll. Or, it could instead be something which depends on the attribute used, such as:

  • Vigor: push, lift, break or throw a heavy object, intimidate someone, remember something about your old military service from before the Flare, etc...
  • Speed: balance on a thin ledge, vault past an obstacle, steal an object from an unsuspecting enemy, etc...
  • Technique: activate/disable a machine, pilot a vehicle, analyze some strange machine, etc...
  • Presence: convince enemies to surrender, lie to someone, determine if someone is lying to you, etc...
  • Luck: notice that something you desperately needed just happens to be present nearby, or that something an enemy needs just happens to not be where they thought it should be, etc...

Rules Tip

This roll follows the usual guidelines for how to design attribute rolls, so the Plot Twister might decide this roll is either trivial or impossible, in which case you do not spend any AP.

The Plot Twister should give you an out by telling you the DC and giving you an opportunity to cancel taking this action, without spending any AP.

Use an Object (3 AP)

Use an object that is either within reach, or that you are holding. You cannot use this action while holding a two-handed weapon.

e.g. use a healing salve, open/close a door, pull on a lever, etc