Warning: Pre-Alpha

This game is currently in pre-alpha, and at this time, I do not recommend running a game in it yet. Every single game mechanic and piece of lore is subject to potentially breaking changes.

Thank you for your interest in this game! You can follow its development at https://www.youtube.com/@trekiros



Prisms are laser-etched pieces of glass, which can shape a beam of hardlight into the desired shape. Each prism corresponds to one shape, and some shapes are more rare and valuable than others. Prisms have the following properties:

Using a prism. A humanoid can take the use an object and spend the specified amount of ⚑energy to activate a prism. They can choose to use a projector to enhance the prism's effects.

The construct lasts for the specified duration, or until:

  • The same projector or the same prism is used to create a different construct
  • The construct takes an amount of damage greater than or equal to its hit points
  • You can't see the construct anymore
  • You more than 5m away from the construct

Prisms list:

Basic Prisms

These prisms are the most common ones in the wasteland. However, they were created before the Flare, so their uses to a post-apocalyptic survivor can very greatly.


To make a hardlight construct's appearance more interesting, think of what a prism might have been used for before the Flare.

For example, a panel prism isn't necessarily just a blank rectangle - maybe it was used as a flashing advertisement for a cosmetic brand, and features the picture of a handsome clean-shaved man, with a slogan that says "BexTec Hardlight Nanoblades - Sub-atomic shaving technology for the post-atomic man".


Cost: 5⚑, Duration: 1 minute, Hit Points: 20 hit points

Effect: You create a rectangle within 5 meters of yourself, in any orientation. The rectangle can be up to 2 meters by 1 meter

Improved Effects: If using a projector, choose one:

  • This construct gains additional hit points equal to 5 times the projector's tech level.
  • This construct's maximum width and height increases by a number of meters equal to the projector's tech level


Cost: 5⚑, Duration: 1 minute, Hit Points: 10 hit points

Effect: You create a humanoid figure in an empty space within 5 meters of yourself. The appearance, pose, clothes and any items held by the figure, are all determined when this prism is crafted, but you can choose its orientation.

Improved Effects: If using a projector: this construct gains additional hit points equal to 5 times the projector's tech level.


Cost: 5⚑, Duration: 1 minute, Hit Points: 1 hit points

Effect: You create a suit of hardlight armor around yourself. Every time you take damage, the armor acts as cover and takes damage for you first. Additionally, you can choose to spend a quantity of ⚑energy equal to the damage taken to ignore the damage.

Improved Effects: If using a projector, the damage of your unarmed attacks is increased by the projector's tech level.


Cost: 5⚑, Duration: 1 round, Hit Points: 1 hit points

Effect: You use hardlight to generate wind in a direction of your choice (including upwards), in a 1x1x1m cube within 5m of you. Once per turn, if a creature is within the area, it is pushed 1m away in the direction of the wind. It can make an easy (DC 8) Vigor check to resist the effect if it wants to.

Improved Effects:

  • If using a tech 1 or above projector, the DC of the Vigor check made to resist this effect increases to 10.
  • If using a tech 3 or above projector, the distance pushed increases to 3m.


Cost: 10⚑, Duration: 1 minute, Hit Points: 5 hit points

Effect: You create a sticky substance between two targets, which can be objects, creatures, or the ground, and must be within 1m of one another, and within 5m of you. The construct prevents the two targets from moving away from one another. If one of the targets is a creature, and the other target is at least the same size or bigger, the creature is restrained.

Improved Effects: If using a projector, this construct gainst gains additional hit points equal to 5 times the projector's tech level.


Cost: 10⚑, Duration: 1 minute, Hit Points: 10 hit points

Effect: You create a conveyor belt oriented in a direction of your choice, that is a thin rectangle an the ground which can be up to 2x2m. The treadmill is extremely thin, and can appear in an occupied space, by appearing between the ground and a creature or object on the ground. At the end of each of your turns, each creature and object on the treadmill is pushed 1m in the chosen direction.

Improved Effects:

  • If using a tech 1 or above projector, the maximum width and length of the treadmill increase by 2m multiplied by the projector's tech level.
  • If using a tech 3 or above projector, creatures and objects on the treadmill get pushed an extra 1m at the end of each of your turns.


This special type of prism is used to change the behavior of other prisms.


Cost: 5⚑, Duration: 1 minute, Hit Points: 5 hit points

Effect: You create a 1m diameter lens within 5m of yourself.

  • If the lens is between a hardlight projector and a hardlight construct this projector is generating, you can move the construct up to 5 meters in any direction. The generator needs to stay within 5m of the lens, rather than 5 meters of the construct.
  • If the lens is placed between the Sun, and a creature or object, the creature or object takes 1d6! fire damage at the end of each of your turns.

Improved Effects:

  • If using a tech 1 or above projector, you can move the construct an extra 5m multiplied by the projector's tech level.
  • If using a tech 3 or above projector, you can double the size of the construct in all dimensions.


Cost: 5⚑, Duration: N/A, Hit Points: N/A

Effect: When this prism is crafted, choose a color.

When you use another prism, you can use this prism as part of the same action. The construct generated by the other prism changes color, to match the colors chosen when this prism was crafted.

Rare Prisms

These prisms are especially rare - either because they had very niche uses before the Flare, or because they were only created after the Flare had already destroyed most prism factories.


Cost: 5⚑, Duration: 1 round, Hit Points: 10 hit points

Effect: You create a small trebuchet in a 3x3x3m cube within 1 meter of you. When it is created, the trebuchet instantly activates. You can place one item you're holding in its pouch. The object is flung up to 50m in the direction of your choice.

Improved Effects: If using a projector of tech 2 or above, you can fling yourself or a creature you're grappling up to 20 meters instead. The creature takes 2d6! πŸ”¨ bludgeoning damage (this replaces any falling damage it might have taken).


Cost: 20⚑, Duration: 1 round, Hit Points: 10 hit points

Effect: You create a small spherical hollow bunker in a 2x2x2m cube. The bunker has one opening on the side of your choice. Creatures within the bunker have 5 cover from creatures outside of it.

Improved Effects: If using a projector, this construct gainst gains additional hit points equal to 10 times the projector's tech level.