Warning: Pre-Alpha

This game is currently in pre-alpha, and at this time, I do not recommend running a game in it yet. Every single game mechanic and piece of lore is subject to potentially breaking changes.

Thank you for your interest in this game! You can follow its development at https://www.youtube.com/@trekiros


Group Vehicles

These vehicles can carry the entire party, as well as the individual vehicles or mounts of each player character.


A 4-wheeled vehicle made up of whatever scraps one could ind in the wasteland. Very popular among raiders.

Vehicle Traits:

  • This vehicle can carry up to 2 people and 1 individual vehicle or mount.
  • This vehicle can still operate under sunlight, but doesn't protect its riders from it.

Called Shot Options:

  • Tires (DC 10): 1 tire is destroyed. If three tires are destroyed, this vehicle crashes into the ground.


Converting PRT pods into mobile homes is fairly popular among scavengers. They are equipped with Hardlight generators which create rails as they go, ensuring a smooth ride on any terrain, no matter how damaged. The rails can't cross a gap more than a couple meters wide, and they can't fly or float.

Vehicle Traits:

  • Capacity: This vehicle has a capacity of 15.
  • Maglev: While moving on magnetized metal rails, this vehicle's speed becomes 300m, its travel pace is multiplied by 10, and it can function even while under sunlight.
  • Sealed: This vehicle protects its riders from the Sun. Additionally, creatures within this vehicle have heavy cover from creatures outside of it, and cannot be pushed off of the vehicle.

Called Shot Options:

  • Hardlight Generator (DC 12): The holo-train can't move until it is repaired.

Hack Options (DC 12):

  • Hardlight Generator (tier 1): For the next minute, only you can be the holo-train's pilot.
  • Windows (tier 2): Until the holo-train is repaired, it doesn't protect its riders from the Sun.
  • Power Core (tier 3): the holo-train and everyone in it takes 4d6! 🔥 damage.