Warning: Pre-Alpha

This game is currently in pre-alpha, and at this time, I do not recommend running a game in it yet. Every single game mechanic and piece of lore is subject to potentially breaking changes.

Thank you for your interest in this game! You can follow its development at https://www.youtube.com/@trekiros


Technique Actions

Aim (5 AP)

Attribute Threshold: Technique 3

Choose a creature you can see. Until you lose Focus, or can't see the creature anymore, you have advantage on attacks against it.

Hack (5 AP)

Attribute Threshold: Technique 3

Choose one robot or electronic device within 1m of you and make a medium Technique with a DC determined by the target's stat block. On a success, you can choose one Hack and produce the associated effect.

Hacks have tiers. By default, you can only choose tier 1 hacks. However, there are abilities you can get which can let you use higher tier hacks.

Called Shot (1 attack)

Attribute Threshold: Technique 4
Loud: reveals you if used while hidden

When you make an attack which doesn't have the Area of Effect property against a creature you can see, before you roll the attack's damage, you can choose to roll Technique and select one limb or part of the anatomy of the target. If you have advantages or disadvantages on the attack, you also have them on this Technique roll.

If the chosen limb is a called shot option for that creature, and you succeed on the roll, you produce the associated effect. Otherwise, your attack misses and deals no damage.


Enemies might use called shots... on you! You have the following Called Shot Options:

  • Legs (DC 8): moving costs you 1 extra Action Point, and you can't sprint. You can spend 5 AP to end the effect.
  • Arms (DC 10): you attack with disadvantage. You can spend 5 AP to end the effect.
  • Head (DC 12): the damage roll automatically gains 1 extra critical success

Analyze (3 AP)

Attribute Threshold: Technique 4

Choose one:

  • Choose a creature or device you can see You learn all of the possible Called Shots and hacks for that target.
  • Until you lose focus, you can see in darkness up to 20m away from you, and you can see double the normal distance into fog.