Warning: Pre-Alpha

This game is currently in pre-alpha, and at this time, I do not recommend running a game in it yet. Every single game mechanic and piece of lore is subject to potentially breaking changes.

Thank you for your interest in this game! You can follow its development at https://www.youtube.com/@trekiros



To get better deals when buying or selling items, you can attempt to accrue favors by doing things such as:

  • Saving a merchant's life from a raider attack
  • Doing a mission for the vendor
  • Being long time repeat customers of a vendor
  • Owning a shop
  • Having the silver tongued perk

Some favors might be temporary, and only last one day or one deal, such as:

  • Searching for a client who wants the exact item the players are selling
  • Succeeding on a Persuasion check to haggle
  • The good the players are buying is perishable

Favors with one NPC don't carry over to other NPCs. Based on how many favors of different kinds you have, the buying and selling price of items for that NPC is equal to the item's value multiplied by the following number:

FavorsBuying from a vendorSelling to a vendor
0x1 (100%)x1/5 (20%)
1x4/5 (80%)x1/4 (25%)
2x3/4 (75%)x1/3 (33%)
3+x2/3 (66%)x2/5 (40%)