Warning: Pre-Alpha

This game is currently in pre-alpha, and at this time, I do not recommend running a game in it yet. Every single game mechanic and piece of lore is subject to potentially breaking changes.

Thank you for your interest in this game! You can follow its development at https://www.youtube.com/@trekiros


Security Assembly

A massive sentry, designed to capture and detain any intruders. This powerhouse was omnipresent during the Age of Fusion, and can be found in many factories, military facilities, corporate headquarters, celebrity mansions, train stations and more. That is to say, in any place a scavenger might want to explore for its resources, a security robot might be waiting for the opportunity bring law-breakers to justice, with great violence if necessary.

A BexTec best-seller. Formally known as the BexTec HiSec Pro, model 2137b, the Security Assembly is one of the most popular in the catalogue of BexTec, the security firm led by famous quadrilionaire weapons manufacturer Winston Bexley. After the Flare, Bexley founded A.E.G.I.S. with the help of famous astrophysicist TODO. Today, A.E.G.I.S. often uses a variant of these robots, with the metal parts replaced with the faction's signature white ceramic & plastic combination.

1d6Adventure Seeds
1A former BexTec engineer has set up a distress beacon - they're willing to trade a rescue in exchange for a secret backdoor software, which would allow anyone who has it to hack and take control of any Security Assembly they come across. Only problem: the engineer wants to be rescued... from A.E.G.I.S... Who claims the distress call is a lie.
2The office of the long-dead President surely contains some useful secrets the PCs could make use of. But the security of the highest office in the land is not to be under-estimated - a veritable army of robots guards the location.
3A roaming Security Assembly meets the PCs out in the wasteland. It is looking for a dastardly criminal who has thus far evaded capture... The cook from the PCs' survivor camp!
4A kid, born long after the Flare, became best friends with a Security Assembly. Together, they play deadly "pranks" on the adults who try to loot the kid's hideout - the same hideout the PCs heard contained a nano chip they need.
5There is an un-occupied nexus which could be a great long-term base for the PCs... But while it has no human occupants, it still has some security measures from before the Flare.
6A Super-AI has requested the PCs' help: it wants to have its consciousness transferred into the body of a Security Assembly, to stop being confined to the data-center in which it currently exists. It promised a reward in exchange for the capture of such a robot.
Security Assembly VTT token

Security Assembly(Robot, Tank, level 3)


The Security Assembly is immune to being Frightened and to poison damage. However, while in sunlight, the Security Assembly is incapacitated.

The Security Assembly typically telegraphs its Shock attack if it has at least 2 enemies restrained. Otherwise, it telegraphs a lasso prism attack.


2d4!+4 🔨 damage, Thrown (15m). On hit, the target is pulled up to 5m towards the robot, and is restrained by a rope made of hardlight until the rope is destroyed (10 hit points).


Each creature currently restrained by a hardlight lasso takes 3d6! ⚡ damage. If telegraphed, this attack only costs 1 action.

If within the Security Assembly's designated facility, choose one effect at the start of each round:


1d4+1 spider drones emerge from vents and dark corners of the facility.


The Security Assembly can choose any number of devices connected to the facility and turn them on, or off.

Interaction Options


The Security Assembly's armor is permanently reduced by 2. This effect can stack.


This called shot becomes possible after the plate joint called shot has been used at least 2 times. The Security Assembly and everything else within 3m of it take 2d6! ⚡ electricity damage.


The Security Assembly is blinded until the end of your next turn.


All current hardlight constructs currently created by the Security Assembly are destroyed.


At the start of the next round, the Security Assembly uses its Drone Vent ability, but you control the drones.