Warning: Pre-Alpha

This game is currently in pre-alpha, and at this time, I do not recommend running a game in it yet. Every single game mechanic and piece of lore is subject to potentially breaking changes.

Thank you for your interest in this game! You can follow its development at https://www.youtube.com/@trekiros



The good thing about people: you can talk to them, and sometimes they understand. The bad thing about people: sometimes they don't.

Wastelanders can be allies, enemies, and everything in between.


Scavs are your average wasteland survivors. Every single scav has seen their fair share of violence and hardship, as the first few years after the Flare were the toughest. While scavs are trying to live a peaceful life, they also won't hesitate to do whatever it takes to protect their loved ones.

Scav communities. Scavs live in groups assembled around ties of blood, friendship, or simple happenstance. A scav community could go anywhere from a small survivors' camp of a dozen people, to a village of a couple thousands individuals. Each scav has a role within their group: some focus on gathering food, others are builders, others are doctors, etc...

The smaller the community, the more hats every member of the community has to wear. As a result, small communities tend not to have as many highly skilled specialists.

1d6Adventure Seeds
1One of the scavs in the PCs' camp went missing during a mission in a location which was thought empty. The PCs must investigate, find and hopefully rescue the missing person. But what secrets does this location hold?
2The PCs' camp gets raided, and after dust settles down, it is clear the attackers had some inside help. Who is the traitor and why did they betray the camp?
3While running from an acid rain storm, the PCs happen to take shelter in the home of a very territorial hermit, who has set traps all around his camp.
4The PCs are part of a large camp of 600 people, under the tyrannical control of a former military leader. A revolution is brewing - which side will the players take?
5A rival survivors' camp is attacking! But in the middle of the chaos, one PC realizes that a long lost acquaintance from before the Flare is part of the enemy.
6There's not enough food to feed everyone in the PCs' camp. They'll need to find enough food to last the winter, before temperatures start to drop.
Scav VTT token

Scav(Humanoid, level 0)


The Scav can craft Tech 2 items of one item category.

On its turn, the Scav usually moves up to 4m, or aims, then it attacks twice.


1d4! ⛏ damage, ranged (10)


1d4!+2 🔨 damage, melee, covert

Interaction Options


The creature's movement is halved. It can use its action to end this effect.


The creature attacks with disadvantage. It can use its action to end this effect.


The damage roll automatically gains 1 extra critical success


The laws of the old world have very little meaning or value anymore, as there is nobody left to enforce them. Instead, raiders follow the one rule that they haven't been able to ignore: the law of the strongest. Raiders form bands that prey on those weaker than themselves, and run away as soon as someone stronger shows up.

Whether they are opportunists, or just desperate enough to resort to violence for the sake of survival, what separates raiders from scavs is simple: scavs are trying to rebuild the world. Raiders are too short-sighted or cowardly to even entertain the idea.

1d6Adventure Hook
1Captured by a band of raiders, the party must find a way to escape.
2A particularly charismatic raider has been uniting various bands in the region. Soon, there won't be enough scavs in the wasteland to stop them.
3An important shipment has been seized by raiders. The recipient wants it back at any cost.
4A raider has been spotted near the players' camp. The higher ups think it might have been a scout, and the early sign of something much worse coming their way.
5A group of raiders approaches the party without hostility - they claim one of the player characters used to be one of them!
6A group of particularly incompetent raiders makes a really poor attempt at an ambush. Will the player character take pity on them?
Raider VTT token

Raider(humanoid, level 1)


If the Raider hits a creature, it can distract it without spending an action.

If it has a grenade, the Raider usually throws it first. Otherwise, it moves towards the closest enemy, attempts to grapple them, and then stabs them with any remaining actions.


1d4!+3 ⛏ damage, melee, covert


2d6! 🔥 damage, thrown (10), Area of Effect (3m radius)

Interaction Options


The creature's movement is halved. It can use its action to end this effect.


The creature attacks with disadvantage. It can use its action to end this effect.


The damage roll automatically gains 1 extra critical success


The grenade held by the raider explodes, dealing 2d6! 🔥 damage in a 3m radius around the raider. This called shot can only be used if the raider still has a grenade.

Raider Overlord

The leader of a band of roaming raiders, the Overlord is the strongest and most violent of the raiders - because if they weren't, someone else would take their spot.

Raider Overlord VTT token

Raider Overlord(humanoid, level 2)


If the Overlord is attacked and a Raider is within 2m of it, it can redirect the attack (and its called shot if applicable) onto the Raider.

The Overlord moves towards an ally, or braces. Then:

  • If it must reload, it does, then assists another Raider.
  • Otherwise, it attacks with its remaining actions

Then, it telegraphs an attack.


1d4!+4 ⛏ damage, melee, covert, and the Overlord has advantage on Shotgun attacks against the target until the end of its turn.


2d4! 🔨 damage, ranged (5), reload (2)

If within the Overlord's hideout, choose one effect at the start of each round:


Three Raiders the Overlord can see gain 1 extra action on their next turn.


1d4 raiders join the battle, appearing behind the PCs!

Interaction Options


The creature's movement is halved. It can use its action to end this effect.


The creature attacks with disadvantage. It can use its action to end this effect.


The damage roll automatically gains 1 extra critical success


The Overlord cannot redirect this attack with its Great Leadership trait.