Warning: Pre-Alpha

This game is currently in pre-alpha, and at this time, I do not recommend running a game in it yet. Every single game mechanic and piece of lore is subject to potentially breaking changes.

Thank you for your interest in this game! You can follow its development at https://www.youtube.com/@trekiros



The wildlife in the wastelands had to adapt or die. Most animals, wild and otherwise, show signs of mutation.

Variant: wild mutations. Almost every single animal in the wasteland has received strange mutations due to radiation exposure. Choose or randomly determine mutations from the following table. The animal's level increases by half the number of mutations it has:

1Ghoulish fortitude.. The animal is immune to radiation, and whenever damage would reduce the animal to 0 hit points, the animal can make a DC 10 Vigor check. On a success, it drops to 1 hit point instead.
2Glowing.. Whenever a creature starts its turn within 3m of the animal, it takes 1d4 radiation damage.
3Eye stalks.. The animal cannot be surprised, and has +2 on contested rolls it makes against a hidden creature.
4Overgrown.. The animal's size increases by one category. Its Vigor is increased by 2 (as a result, its max hit points are increased by 4, and its melee damage is increased by 2).
5Dwarvish.. The animal's size decreases by one category. Its Vigor is decreased by 2, to a minimum of 0 (as a result, its max hit points are decreased by 4, and its melee damage is decreased by 2), and its Speed is increased by 2 (as a result, its Initiative and Action Points are increased by 2).
6Luminous eyes.. The animal's eyes emit light in a 5m cone.
7Stubby wings.. The animal can fly, but doing so costs it 2 additional AP per meter of movement.
8Thick scales.. The animal's armor is increased by 5.
9Boney Spikes.. The animal gains a new ranged attack: 5 AP, 1d4 piercing damage plus 1d4 poison damage, range (5/20), rare ammo (3 per day)
10Chameleon.. The animal has advantage on Stealth checks.
11Black eyes.. The animal can see in the dark.
12Pustules.. When the animal dies, each creature within 3m of it takes 2d6 acid damage.
13Mimicry.. The animal can imitate sounds it has heard. A successful DC 10 Presence check lets a creature determine the subterfuge.
14Gills.. The animal can breathe air and water, and swimming doesn't cost it extra AP. It must be fully submerged at least once per day or suffer a wound.
15Extra limbs.. The animal's melee attacks cost 1 less AP.
16Hive Mind.. The animal can telepathically speak with animals of the same kind within 100m of it that it can see.
17Skin flaps.. The animal does not take fall damage, and can move in the air in any direction except upwards.
18Unstable.. Each day, roll a random mutation on this table.