Warning: Pre-Alpha

This game is currently in pre-alpha, and at this time, I do not recommend running a game in it yet. Every single game mechanic and piece of lore is subject to potentially breaking changes.

Thank you for your interest in this game! You can follow its development at https://www.youtube.com/@trekiros



Devices are found everywhere. They don't usually fight back, but can slow down the scavs' progression or alert enemies to their presence.

Surveillance Camera

A simple video camera, usually part of some kind of alarm system. Such devices are found in nearly all corners of the urban wasteland, especially in buildings belonging to a company or a government.

Surveillance Camera VTT token

Surveillance Camera(device, level 0)


Devices are immune to being Frightened and to poison damage. However, while in sunlight or fully submerged in water, they are incapacitated.


When the camera sees a creature, or when it is attacked (even if the attack destroys it), it can emit a loud noise which can be heard for several hundred meters, and alert nearby robots and devices through radio signals.

Interaction Options


The camera is incapacitated until a creature within 1m of it spends 5 AP to turn it back on.


For 1 minute, you can see what the camera sees, and you decide whether or not it uses its Alarm reaction.


You can watch, save, or search through any recordings made by the camera since it was placed here.

Automated Turret

A machine gun mounted on top of an actuated arm. This type of device is usually found in high security ruins from before the Flare such as prisons or military bases. But after the Flare, it was also common for raiders and scavs alike to build turrets like these to protect their encampments.

Automated Turret VTT token

Automated Turret(device, level 1)


Devices are immune to being Frightened and to poison damage. However, while in sunlight or fully submerged in water, they are incapacitated.

The turret attacks twice, then telegraphs an attack.


2d4! ⛏, area of effect (3m square within 50m)

Interaction Options


Until the start of your next turn, the turret has disadvantage on attacks.


The turret is incapacitated until a creature within 1m of it spends 5 AP to turn it back on.


For the next 1 minute, you decide who the turret attacks on its turn.

Hardlight Gate

A large gate made of a hardlight forcefield, and sensors which only let some people through, if they have the right badge.

Hardlight Gate VTT token

Hardlight Gate(device, level 1)


Devices are immune to being Frightened and to poison damage. However, while in sunlight or fully submerged in water, they are incapacitated.


The gate's armor rating of 20 represents it being protected by its hardlight force field. Whenever its armor is reduced to 0, until the end of the turn, the gate's armor becomes 5 and it doesn't block movement anymore.

Interaction Options


Until the start of your next turn, the gate's armor is reduced to 5.


The gate is turned off until a creature within 1m of it spends 5 AP to turn it back on.


For the next 1 minute, you decide which creatures can pass through the hardlight force field or not.