Warning: Pre-Alpha

This game is currently in pre-alpha, and at this time, I do not recommend running a game in it yet. Every single game mechanic and piece of lore is subject to potentially breaking changes.

Thank you for your interest in this game! You can follow its development at https://www.youtube.com/@trekiros


Starting Equipment

You have 50 chips to spend on equipment when you create your character. If you can craft Tech 2 or Tech 3 items at the start of the adventure, you can spend those starting chips on the ingredients for items you can craft, and start the adventure with those items already crafted.

Below are example of starting equipment which you should give you a good start. You can pick one you think would fit your character, or modify one to fit your tastes better.


Your starting equipment should probably include 5 to 10 biomass (🥩), so you can take rests, and one weapon.


The ruins of the old world are still full of trinkets and materials, and you make your living grabbing what you can and selling it to the highest bidder. It isn't exactly a safe job. But you don't exactly have anything better.

This pack should suit most characters.


You make people feel safe, by making sure everything else is at best the second most dangerous thing around. If they need someone to throw a punch, or to take one, people know they can rely on you.

This pack is recommended for high Vigor characters.


You're the eyes and ears of your crew. You get into places you're not supposed to be, learn things you're not supposed to know, and get out before anybody knows you were ever there.

This pack is recommended for high Speed characters.


Where others see useless clutter, you see endless treasures. In the hands of an expert such as yourself, the various bit and bobs scattered throughout the wasteland are all you need to start re-building a world worth living in.

This pack is recommended for high Technique characters.


Your job: get people, messages, and goods, from one place to another. You are the glue that keeps the wasteland together: without your business, the various factions would declare war on one another every two weeks.

This pack is recommended for high Presence characters.

Advanced - Custom Equipment

You will start with a small budget of 50💰, and will have to buy or craft your equipment with it.

  • 50 💰