Warning: Pre-Alpha

This game is currently in pre-alpha, and at this time, I do not recommend running a game in it yet. Every single game mechanic and piece of lore is subject to potentially breaking changes.

Thank you for your interest in this game! You can follow its development at https://www.youtube.com/@trekiros



Below are a number of random tables, which you can use to spark your imagination, and come up with an interesting character who will fit the setting.

Random Table: Character Age

If you wish to determine your character's age randomly, here is how you can do it: roll five d100s, re-roll any result under an 18 until it isn't under 18 anymore, and take the lowest of the five results.

Dice formula: {d100r<18, d100r<18, d100r<18, d100r<18, d100r<18}kl1

The Flare happened 20 years ago. Therefore, depending on how old your character is, you might be more or less familiar with the world from before, as described below:

Current AgeAge before the FlareFamiliarity with the Age of Fusion
18-253-10I grew up after the apocalypse. It's basically all I've ever known.
26-5011-35I lived a good chunk of my life before the apocalypse. I had a job, a family, and a future. Not anymore.
51-7036-55I've lived basically my entire life before the apocalypse. Hopefully, my grand-kids are still alive.
71-10056-75I've lived before the age of fusion even started! These whipper-snappers should learn a thing or two from me!

Random Table: Character Names

You can use the following table to generate a name for your character. Note, if you know where your story will take place, you might want to use names from that country or region instead.


Random Table: Jobs

You can use the following table to determine what your character's occupation might be in the post-apocalyptic wasteland. What role do they fulfill in their society?

1Bounty hunter23Scheriff45Fisher67Pro Athlete
2Wandering merchant24Carpenter46Veterinarian68Janitor
4Bouncer26Fortuneteller48Scavenger70Security Guard
7Radio host29Shepherd51Sailor73Gambler
11Machinist33Butler55Water purifier77Mathematician
15Tinkerer37Lawyer59Drug dealer81Tattoo artist
16Surgeon38Orphanage Warden60Cleaner82Rich kid
19Prisoner doing forced labor41Optician63Butcher85Physician
22Con artist44Pest control66Chemist88

Random Table: Old Jobs

If your character is old enough that they would have had a job before the Flare, you can use the following table to determine what that previous job used to be.

d8Old Jobd8Old Jobd8Old Jobd8Old Job
1Librarian3Card dealer5Babysitter7Receptionist
2Plumber4Therapist6Laundry worker8

Random Table: Bonds with the party

You can use the following table to determine how your character met and came to work with the rest of the players' characters.

1One of them saved my life
2One of them is a relative
3We were in the same room during the Flare
4We learned under the same teacher
5We started as business partners, and they showed themselves trustworthy
6We share a common goal beyond just survival
7We work for the same boss
8I owe them a debt
9We met at a bar
10We're going to the same place
11We have a shared friend

Random Table: Personality Traits

You can use the following table to pick some personality traits which stand out about your character. To give your character more depth, you could come up with a backstory which explains how your character got to act the way they do now.

d100Personality Traitd100Personality Traitd100Personality Traitd100Personality Trait
2Optimistic10Empathetic18Always joking around26A planner
3Reliable11Superstitious19A bootlicker27An improviser
4A hard worker12A clean freak20Very Cynical28Someone with a Code
5A huge gossip13Haunted by the past21Prone to Gamble29A hugger
7Foul-mouthed15Always suspicious23Hard to insult31
8A perfectionist16Impulsive24Merciful32

Random Table: Goals

You can use the following table to determine what your character's main objective is. These are simple seeds meant to spark your imagination: fleshing out your character's goals will give your Plot Twister much more to work with.

1Find a lost relative12I was given a mission and I failed it once
2Protect my people13One of my inventions fell in the wrong hands
3Find a cure for my illness14Find a lost piece of technology my people need
4Free a friend who was captured15Bring peace between my people and their enemies
5I'm on a quest of vengeance.16I'm looking for the cure to a loved one's illness
6Find meaning in the wasteland17I must prevent a war, but I'm only one person
7Investigate a strange phenomenon18A friend left the path of good. I must save them from themselves
8Stop scientists from doing human experiments19Someone I know went missing recently, I'm looking for them
9Run away from the people who are looking for me20You say apocalypse, I say opportunity. I'm getting rich
10Find someone I knew before the Flare21I'm sick. I just want to make an impact before I die.
11Repair an important piece of infrastructure22I need 4 specific things to build something very useful

Random Table: Quirks

You can use the following table to give your character a fun roleplay quirk which will help them stand out and be memorable.

1I have a robotic eye implant13I really don't like surprises.
2I have a prosthetic limb14Each of my scars tells a story
3I don't trust technology anymore15I give everyone I meet some quippy nicknames
4My memories from before the Flare are fuzzy... and often wrong16Every piece of wasteland scrap is a drum, and every situation needs a drum beat.
5I always carry a pillow with me. I won't be caught sleeping uncomfortably.17I have a collection of figurines from before the apocalypse
6I remove some of my limbs when I sleep.18If it has less than 13 legs, I WILL be friends with it
7I carry mementos of before the Flare with me.19I leave graffiti wherever I go
8The wasteland is filled with bodies. I try to bury them, honor them, say a few words.20My blood glows at night. I should get that checked out.
9I always customize the design of my hardlight constructs21I'm in charge of the party's playlist. There is one called "we need to run".
10I have a thousand stories about who I was before the Flare and none of them are true.22I've taught the rest of the party sign language so they could talk with me
11I try not to kill. It keeps me human.23I have a tattoo which is some kind of map, or code
12When a plan goes wrong is when I have the most fun.24