Warning: Pre-Alpha

This game is currently in pre-alpha, and at this time, I do not recommend running a game in it yet. Every single game mechanic and piece of lore is subject to potentially breaking changes.

Thank you for your interest in this game! You can follow its development at https://www.youtube.com/@trekiros


Random Table: Quirks

You can use the following table to give your character a fun roleplay quirk which will help them stand out and be memorable.

1I have a robotic eye implant13I really don't like surprises.
2I have a prosthetic limb14Each of my scars tells a story
3I don't trust technology anymore15I give everyone I meet some quippy nicknames
4My memories from before the Flare are fuzzy... and often wrong16Every piece of wasteland scrap is a drum, and every situation needs a drum beat.
5I always carry a pillow with me. I won't be caught sleeping uncomfortably.17I have a collection of figurines from before the apocalypse
6I remove some of my limbs when I sleep.18If it has less than 13 legs, I WILL be friends with it
7I carry mementos of before the Flare with me.19I leave graffiti wherever I go
8The wasteland is filled with bodies. I try to bury them, honor them, say a few words.20My blood glows at night. I should get that checked out.
9I always customize the design of my hardlight constructs21I'm in charge of the party's playlist. There is one called "we need to run".
10I have a thousand stories about who I was before the Flare and none of them are true.22I've taught the rest of the party sign language so they could talk with me
11I try not to kill. It keeps me human.23I have a tattoo which is some kind of map, or code
12When a plan goes wrong is when I have the most fun.24