Warning: Pre-Alpha

This game is currently in pre-alpha, and at this time, I do not recommend running a game in it yet. Every single game mechanic and piece of lore is subject to potentially breaking changes.

Thank you for your interest in this game! You can follow its development at https://www.youtube.com/@trekiros


The Collective of Eternal Earth

Core Belief: They want to find ways to live without electronics, to avoid going through another flare Problem: in 5-6 generations, they might become a cult


  • The Collective
  • The Aurora
  • Founders of the New World
  • Seeds
  • Eternal


  • Destroy electronics?
  • Protecting/Preserving the wildlife
  • Teach the lessons of the past and make sure they last for 5000 years


  • Sun worship would be a thing
  • Salvagepunk aesthetic


  • Sell herbal medicine
  • Sell food
  • Sell animal products (meat, milk, eggs, leather, wool, etc)
  • Contentious relationship with AEGIS: they share a lot of values, and often buy metals from the Flare Worshippers, but they don't share methods, and the Flare Worshippers think the scientist is being held captive by AEGIS
  • Old Money would brand them as cultists

Plot Hooks:

  • They want to preserve the books from a library, make sure that knowledge isn't lost
  • There's an offshoot that's grown a bit too cultish. They need to see reason
  • There's a new disease affecting the livestock. They can fix it short term, but need a long term solution.
  • One group within the Collective thinks electronics are fine, actually. There's a schism.

Important locations:

  • Greenhouses
  • Libraries
  • Printing press
  • Statues intended to last for generations

sect which thinks the flare was divine punishment theme/aesthetic: aurora borealis


[example NPCs]

[adventure seeds]