Warning: Pre-Alpha

This game is currently in pre-alpha, and at this time, I do not recommend running a game in it yet. Every single game mechanic and piece of lore is subject to potentially breaking changes.

Thank you for your interest in this game! You can follow its development at https://www.youtube.com/@trekiros


Critical Fumbles

When a player pushes their luck and fails, here are some examples of negative consequences the Plot Twister can default to. The Plot Twister can roll to randomly select one fumble, or select one that fits the current situation.

If, based on the current situation, the Plot Twister can come up with more interesting fumbles that tie into the narrative, it is usually better to do such instead of using these tables.

The fumbles are divided into three tables: one with effects typically more appropriate for combat scenes, one with effects that tend to fit exploration scenes better, and one with effects most suited to negotiation scenes.

1d6Combat Fumbles
1Hurt yourself. You lose 1 hit point
2Butterfingers. The weapons or items you were holding are thrown 3 meters away in whichever direction is the least convenient for you.
3Left yourself open. Until the end of your next turn, attacks made against you have advantage.
4It's not your day. Until the end of your next turn, you have disadvantage on all attacks and attribute rolls.
5Hit your head. You are stunned and dazed until the end of your next turn.
6Friendly Fire. You accidentally attack one ally of the Plot Twister's choice, with advantage. Doing this costs AP as usual - if you don't have enough AP to attack, the AP are taken from your next turn. If no allies are in range, you attack yourself.
1d6Exploration Fumbles
1Hurt yourself. You take 1 wound.
2Made some noise. You made so much noise that some nearby enemies noticed and are starting to head in your direction.
3Set back allies. Whatever you did was the opposite of helping. The next attribute roll made by an ally has disadvantage.
4Broken toys. One item in your inventory, chosen by the Plot Twister, is broken. It can't be used until you finish a long rest.
5You blew it. Something explodes. Or, the floor collapses under your feet. Or, you caused the ceiling to cave in. Either way, everyone within 5m of you takes 3d6! damage.
6New obstacle. Whatever you did created a new obstacle: maybe you caused the floor to collapse, cutting your escape route. Or you accidentally caused a coolant pipe to start leaking, creating a puddle of chemicals between you and your objective, for example.
1d6Social Fumbles
1Accidental discharge. You accidentally attack the person you were trying to negotiate with.
2Old "friends". The person you were talking to suddenly recognizes you as someone they knew in the past. And they didn't like what you did to them.
3Revealed too much. One secret you were trying to hide, chosen by the Plot Twister, is accidentally revealed.
4Backfire. You lose all favors you had with that person, or with another NPC they happened to know, that you had favors with.
5Offended. You offended the other party, hardening their stance. They demand reparations before you can continue with what the negotiation was originally about.
6They had backup. The conversation lasted just long enough for someone else to get here. And they're exactly the person you didn't want to show up.